Saturday, March 23, 2013

CCF Alumni Reunites for Pizza

Cowabunga Dude!

It seems that former CCF cadets –and Pastor Raymond Go too- has a thing for the Teenage Mutant Turtles: Those four renaissance named amphibian who has a deep loathing for evil and a penchant for Italian cooking. This fact was quite evident when the CCF members and former CCFers devoured boxes after boxes of pizza with “kung fu” like agility and marital precision.

Kidding aside, though they really did polish off pepperoni crusted dough one after another, brothers and sisters of the CCF had a grand time meeting one after another last March 15, 2013: sharing life lessons and experiences to each other, joking around to see who among them gained more weight, making fun of the pictures hanging in the CCF hall of graduating cadets when they were still plebes; and reliving unforgettable and forgettable experiences that they had as former members of the CCF.

The event which was dubbed as the CCF Pizza Fellowship was a way to reunite and rekindle old camaraderie of members of the CCF over a box of pizza. Former cadets were asked how they are doing in the field and were refreshed by old Christian ideals they may have missed as police officers. They were honestly also assessed on how they are faring with their Christian walk and where taught how to gather and lead men to Christ in their respective area of influence.


The alumni were also given a chance to speak in front of graduating cadets to encourage them to still walk by faith after they have graduated and to be strong in the temptations that they will face. Leading them is former CCF Cadet in Charge of Class 2007 John Rellan who gave them some encouragement and talked of how God has been his saving grace in the Province of Batangas.   Jail Inspector April Joy Bueco of Class 2012 also shared her fresh experience from the field of how God had guided her young career at the BJMP.

As the alumni get together and chat with each other, the graduating cadets of the PNPA Tagapamagitan class of 2013 was greeted by their foster parents from the Capitol City Baptist church led by Ptr. Mike Miguel who gave the batch an open heart, great gusto and more food. The soon-to-be officers of the PNPA talked to their foster parents on how to create strong partnership between the community and the Chruch. They also invited over the future graduates to their homes to meet their families before they report to their respective offices.

The BOC Movement represented by Jojo Dellosa and Joshua Fellowship of GCF by Danao Afuang,  gathered the alumni to consolidate and gather information on “MIA” Christian officers from the different batches of the CCF to help them find journey partners among the churches of the BOC Movement.

Finally, after hours of fellowship they said their adieus and promised a return for next year’s COWANBUNGA pizza experience.

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