Thursday, December 27, 2012

Reaction to Philippine Star Column

Dear Ms. Torrevillas,

I was deeply impressed by your article on our young policemen who have formed an "army" for Christ.

I am currently based in Texas, USA, and until I read your inspiring article, I never knew that such a group exists, because most Filipinos do not know that our policemen can be transformed into Christ followers in these times of uncertainty, especially regarding their economic situation, brought about by low salaries for public servants. The COPRM could serve as a catalyst for more reforms in government. The phrase "only in the Philippines" does not connote something praiseworthy of our country because of the countless incidence reported of corrupt cops and other employees of government. The COPRM could certainly pave the way for the complete change in the image of our national police by their Christ-like example. As the Bible teaches us, "Let your light so shine that others shall see it and praise your Father in heaven".

I doff my hat to these brave policemen who, with boldness, spread the word of God in all corners of th,e Philippines. Their reward will be great in heaven. More people should know about them through your paper.

I would also like to express my admiration because in all these years of reading your column,  I never knew you are a Christian. God bless you , Ma'am and may your tribe increase.

Very sincerely in Christ,

Pearland, Texas, USA

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