Friday, January 11, 2013

One God, One Nation, One Movement to Bless the World: The Second Annual Bless Our Cops Convention

United in their deep commitment and compassion for the Police and Armed Forces, police volunteer pastors and ministry partners from different sectors of society, different denominations and different  nations trooped the Philippine National Police National Headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City last November 29 to December 1, 2012 to join the Second Bless Our Cops Annual Convention to give thanks to God’s goodness worshipping Him for his enduring faithfulness to those who have blessed the Philippine National Police.

The annual gathering for volunteers was intended by the Bless Our Cops Movement to honor back partners who continually support and bless the Philippine National Police. The convention intends that the delegates find new inspirations on how to faithfully serve One God; replicate best practices that are performed by other co-workers who have mastered certain techniques in their locales as volunteers move towards reaching One Nation; discover new friendships from different cities in the Philippines and abroad who would faithfully journey with them as part of One Movement and tell new stories of God’s love and goodness of how God has supported them, upheld them, loved them and promised to go with them from here to the rest of the World.

“We are so blessed by God to have partners who have continuously support the cause of Bless Our Cops. Their dedication to Christ and faithfulness to reach their local police stations and towns are truly inspiring…may He who began a good work with you may be faithful to complete it.” PSSUPT Cesar Hawthorne R.  Binag President of the CORPS Movement said.

The event was attended by Christian Officers based in the PNP National Headquarters: Office of the Chief PNP, Directorate for Intelligence, Maritime Group,Center for Police Strategy Management, SOSIA, PNP Training Service Building; PCR Officers from the NCRPO, Cadets from  the Philippine National Police Academy. Pastors and Volunteer workers came from different provinces such as Cagayan, Pangasinan, La Union, Zambales, Bataan, Tarlac, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal, Quezon, Albay, Iloilo, Leyte, Davao Del Norte, Davao Oriental, Compostela Valley, Davao del Sur, Zamboanga, North Cotabato, Basilan  as well as Metro Manila. Ministerial partners who supported the event includes Bro. Wyden King of the Kabayan Hotel Chains, the JOSHUA Ministry of the Greenhills Christian Fellowship, Gmen of Christ Commission Fellowship, the House Church Fellowship, MASCOM, Olongapo Christian Businessmen, NE Catering, Mistah Foundation, Women of Purpose, Military Ministry, Philippine Bible Society and COPPS. Countries represented by delegates include Guatemala, the United States, India, Scotland, Malaysia, India, Cambodia and Thailand.

Day 1: Reflections and Revelations

The event started with a challenge from Armlynk International Director Ronald C. Wilson: a longtime partner of the BOC Movement and whose ministry covers the whole of Asia.  He challenged everyone that God has called them and has given them a unique role in His service. No matter what conscious motivations that they had in entering the service, God’s sovereign hand was already upon them guiding and directing them so that they could use their positions as pastors or officers to spread the word of God in the respective country.

He then began to expound for the span of three days the message of Romans 13 and gave insights and principles of submitting to government authority, journeying with those in authority and the impact of ministering for the armed forces particularly those who are in close nations.

His talk was followed by another inspirational talk by Boi Manuel who reminded each and every delegate that the Bless Our Cops Movement is all about the grace of God is about compassion at work. He added that all is needed to dig deeper and find wisdom in the word chamal (doing harm but not choosing to) and splagchnizomai (to be move by love) which is the Hebrew and Greek equivalent for compassion which basically means compassion as we go about with our police ministry.

The first day also had a workshop and a refresher course on Hermeneutics served by the GCF which was quite beneficial to pastors who are ministering and sharing the word to police.
In the afternoon, three breakout sessions ensued: The first was for the NCRPO PCR officers who wanted to learn how pastors and churches could beneficially help the PNP and how they could better perform their services through the help of the community, this was handled by the BOC Movements Most bemedalled Police Officer in terms of PCR work- PSUPT Eric E. Noble and PSINSP Gus Ferrer; The second was a PNP survival training crash course for the My Brother’s Keeper cadets facilitated by PSSUPT Gene Tolejano, PCINSP Sonny Celedio and of the Lt. Col Dennis Pacis of the Philippine Army Light Infantry Brigade who all shared their experience in surviving the field as Christians; last, was a women’s discourse on living a Godly life as officer wives that was attended by women officers and ministers delivered by Sis. Aida Ceron of Women of Purpose.

Bro Wyden King who sponsored the billeting of pastors from the provinces also graced the event and also shared some inspirational words for pastors on the need to be steadfastly serving God.

Bro. Elmer Anibigno of the House Church Fellowship also shared some lighter side of the police ministry to the hearty delight of the delegates and urged pastors to continue to serve and bless the police for it was only through the sheer determination of those said ministers that a former scalawag like him came to know Christ.

The vision of a police version of the National Service Training Program was also shared by Dr. Letty Afuang and her husband Ptr. Danao Afuang. They gave ideas of how churches could be further reach their respective communities with the Gospel using a school program.
The first day ended with a Jericho walk around Camp Crame for pastors to pray over the whole camp as well as the policemen that they encounter.

Day 2:  Sharing Best Practices

The second day was a time of sharing experiences in forms of anecdotes, life lessons and other learning that police and pastors have learned in years of their ministry.

PSUPT Bernard M. Banac, PSUPT Eric Noble, PSUPT Warren Tolito and PSUPT Fred Obar led an open forum discussion and answered questions from pastors on how to effectively minister to the police on the side of policemen. Pastors and ministers also joined to share the experience and best practices that they are doing in their different regions: PCINSP Elmar Sillador informed the group of how they were able to produce chairs for ministers in all police stations across the province, PSSUPT Resty Gatera and Pastor Ed Santos also informed the group that Davao has already a TV program that broadcast the police ministry and share the gospel to fellow Davaoeneos, Pastor Roland Santiago and Ptr. John Pangilinan shared stories of how they strengthened the Police works in Pangasinan as well as Bulacan.

The Guatemalan delegation also joined the sharing by telling of how they do their Police Ministry in Guatemala. They observed that it is not only the climate of our two countries similar but also the passion for Christ in our Ministry. They offered their thanks and prayed the pastors of the Philippines and Guatemala too.

Operation Compassion of GCF also shared their vision and mission to other pastors who might want to also partner in the hospital ministry.

In the Afternoon, PSSUPT Cesar Hawthorne R. Binag shared how pastors could be a part of country building not only as a church who prays for the Philippines but also as active citizens who could make a difference in their community. In his speech entitled “Ako at ang National Security, PSSUPT Binag talked about the patriotism through the change in attitude and through thinking of having a Filipino first mentality. He also said that being good citizens who follows the rule of law and being a Filipino that truly loves everything about our country is good starting point.

The evening of was a special night with none other than the Chief of the Philippine National Police, PDG Nicanor A. Bartolome gracing the event as the guest and honoree of the convention. GCF Head Pastor Dr. Larry Pabiona shared a message on servant leadership in the lives of Ester and Mordecai who have blessed the nation of Israel by being obedient to God and also led all the volunteers in praying for the C, PNP and the Philippine National Police.
PDG. Bartolome on the other hand was so elated at the response and support of the pastors and ministers towards him and the PNP.  He shared his passion for the word of God also and reported how the PNP is making police community work more favorable for churches through the ITP program of the PNP. He thanked each and every one of the delegates and gamely posed for pictures afterwards for all.

Day 3. Thanksgiving and Re-Commitment
The final day saw volunteers recommit towards police ministry and pledge their dedication to God and his work. They also gave God thanks for his love towards the police and the volunteers who dutifully work for the salvation of men in uniform. Volunteer sang praises, gave their counterparts souvenirs and even pose pictures with all of them.

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