Monday, January 14, 2013

Home Church Fellowship Celebrates 1st Anniversay

A valuable partner in reaching out the Philippine National Police through its one -of-a-kind police ministry celebrated its first year anniversary last January 13, 2012.

The Home Church Fellowship which regularly and devotedly reaches out police from the Special Action Force, National Capital Region Police Office and the National Headquarter Service has been a source of inspiration and a wonderful story of God's redemptive work in the PNP.

The Bless Our Cops Movement would like to thank them for their support and partnership in God's vineyard. We would like to greet Engr. Jun and Lorna Sevilla, Bro Elmer and Sis Hilda Anibigno, Bro. Bong and Marife Durana, Bro. Eric and Cecil Noble, Sis. Loi Orig and Sis. Alma Sy and their families a Blessed Anniversary.

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