Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy New Year From the Bless Our Cops Movement

"11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11(NIV)
Well, it's been a year, but we made it. I thank the Lord for that. Even as I write my final piece for the year of 2012, someone out there didn't make it. I keep that in mind when I kiss my wife, hug my children, and facebook my friends those favorite three words "Happy New Year".
It's also around this time we see a lot of new stories about New Year's Resolutions.
New Year's Resolutions are those promises you make to yourself on what you're going to change for the upcoming year to make it better. Many of those consist of:
  • Stop smoking
  • Stop drinking
  • Going to work out more
  • Going to spend more time with family
It's rare that you'll hear anyone say nowadays they're going to get closer to their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It seems like our personal goals, at times, outweigh God's plan for our lives. And in the end, many of those same people are sitting in front of their clocks, waiting for the next year to come around.
Aren't you tired of doing that? Have you got to that point in your life yet to where you know that you need to inject the Word of God in your life but you might feel that "I will have to change everything"? and you're telling yourself, "I'm not ready for that"?
Maybe it's time to take that step. Make a resolution with the Lord. Take some steps with him this year. Don't let society determine your walk with Jesus Christ-know for yourself.
He's already made his promise to you- He sent his son down to be born in order to die on an old rugged cross just so you'd have a chance to be with him eternally. 2013 is right around the corner. Start now-figure it out now. Get closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, and realize that when you make your New Year's Resolutions, you're never going to have the strength on your own to complete them. However when you pray to the Lord on those things you would like to accomplish, you'll see his will in your life and you plan for you. The worries you had will be gone, and desires you fear that will get in the way will be phased out. With that being said now make your resolutions, enjoy your New Year, and begin the year God has blessed you to see...with him in mind.
May God Bless, you, and may heaven forever smile upon you. Don't throw this year away-for you will throw away the blessings, revelations, and victories God has done in your life. Instead, give thanks and praise.
You made it.

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