Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cesar Leaves For Liberia

Our dear friend PSSUPT Cesar Hawthorne R. Binag has again been blessed and has been called for another International Tour of Duty in the Central African Country of Liberia. He will be assigned as the Deputy Police Commissioner of the UN-Administered Country.

On his thanksgiving and despidida party last January 21, 2013, he was greeted and prayed over by family, friends, churchmates, fellow-officers and co-workers in Christ who have been blessed by his life and ministry in the PNP.

In a simple celebration that night, hymns were sung lead, verses from the Scripture were recited and blessings were given. They were meant to encourage him about God’s love and faithfulness as he and his family will undergo another long time of separation.

The Binag family also got a chance to talk and declare their love to the Man of the House. Ate Agnes expressed her joy for the chance that was given to her husband and a bit of sorrow in missing him for a year or so. The four boys (Zark, CJ, Robert and Paul) talked about how their father has been a friend, a coach, a mentor and a Christian example to them and how they have blessed to have a father like him.

In the end, the well wishers promised that they will continue to watch over Ate Agnes Binag and their four sons as part of their commitment to him as a dear brother in Christ. They all prayed for God’s protection to the family

Bon Voyage Sir Cesar and God Bless!

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