Monday, April 8, 2013

Bless Our Cops Pampanga: Building a Community of Grace and Restoration

You only need to traverse the Olongapo-San Fernando road, to discern the hardship and desolation that a Pampangeno underwent in thirty years of changes in their environment, politics and culture. The world shattering effect of Mount Pinatubo’s eruption could still be seen in the landscape of lahar sands that covered a million hectares of rice fields. The 10 years of political turmoil from opposing pro-jueteng and anti-jueteng politicians could still be felt in every street corner. Even the way of life has changed: the pious conservative towns are trying to vie investors alike the urbane and hip San Fernando. Yet amidst all of this harm, there are group of Christians who are still hopeful and are looking forward of building a community wherein the grace of God is revealed.

In the Iconic town of Guagua, Pampanga, the Christian Ministerial Fellowship still strives to reach out to their communities for Christ and has accepted the challenge of Blessing the Cops of Pampanga. Led by Ptr. Virgilio “Yeng” Gatchalian the group accepted the vision of Bless Our Cops (Partnering with the PNP to reach out the community and country) presented by PSUPT Fred Obar who is currently the Chief for Operations of the city of Angeles. Together with other churches they meet with Col. Obar, Boi Manuel, Dan Afuang and Jojo Dellosa to plan out how to better reach their community through the Police Community Relations program of the PNP.

Last April 1, 2013, the Bless Our Cops thought them several strategies in reaching out their community. Using the Faithblocks (an adult development tool of visualizing changes) the BOC team challenged the pastors of Guagua to use the tools to visualize a progressive town of Guagua, a community oriented church and a people-friendly police station. After briefly explaining their creations, the pastors were challenged by the Bless Our Cops facilitators to be active agents in transforming this vision into a reality. The BOC team of Boi Manuel, Dan Afuang and Jojo Dellosa also gave added materials on gender sensitivity and Christian response, women’s and child’s rights and Police Community Relationship best practices to help inform the churches how to be progressive and how to realize their vision of a Christ centered province who has a heart for their community and their police.

The churches and pastors who accepted the challenge includes Ptr. Rodel and Ptra. Mercy Limpin of the Life in Christ- Assemblies of God; Ptr. Rolan Julian and Ptr. Rey Julian of the Joy in Jesus Ministries; Ptr. Leinard Mendoza, Ptr. Roberto Salamen and Ptra. Maricon Salonga of the Jesus The Word of Truth Global Outreach; Ptra. Maria Lisa Mejia and Ptr. Rogel Bernabe of the Jesus is Lord Church; Ptr. Rene Castro of the Jesus is the Way Fellowship; Ptra. Edith Ocampo of the Friends of Jesus Christ Ministry; Ptra. Yolly Mendoza of the Jesus Revival Church; Ptr. Yeng Gatchalian, Ptr. Eddie Puno and Ptr. Mario Asuncion of the JOTCF; Ptr. Noel Tubil and Ptra. Carol Ignacia of the HPN.

Also in the group was Col. Felipe Sangalang (ret.) and SPO4 Nestor Domanais who encouraged the group of the need to continuously support and evangelize the PNP. They even shared their heartwarming testimonies of how they were brought to Christ by Christians who crossed over the prejudice and public disdain towards policemen. They again challenged everyone to continue ministering towards the Armed Forces and know how a changed life of a policeman could truly transform the Philippine National Police.

In the end, the whole group prayed for and uttered blessings towards the two servicemen: a big first step towards blessing the cops.

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