Tuesday, July 23, 2013

BOC Cagayan De Oro: Why Smiling in the City of Golden Smiles

The Bless Our Cops traveling team was all smiles after following-up the Bless Our Cops volunteers of Cagayan De Oro City. What made them smile was a thriving and responsive Christian community that has fully embraced their city police and has in all sense exemplified what does it mean to Bless Our Cops. 

As the team of PSUPT Bernie Banac, Bro. Boi Manuel , Bro Jojo Dellosa and Ptr. Dan Afuang, visited both Ptr Nas Silava of the Light of the World Church in Cagayan and Ptr. Val Abellanosa of the Christ Bible Church last June 21, 2013, the team knew that such love, commitment and dedication has indeed touched the police of Cagayan De Oro. 

The unusual tandem of a Pentecostal and a Baptist pastor who put aside their theological distinctives to work together for their city is marvelous example of Christian unity and one that all Christian believers should follow.

This partnership has significantly bore fruit and has widely spread God’s love towards the city that they minister especially among the PNP.

The team saw how they regularly partners with the PNP Regional PCR group of the PNP Regional Command in Camp Alagar and how they also search out for My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Lieutenants like PSI RJ Parangan who has been assigned to the city.

They also have a regular minister with the City Police Office as well the local stations of the city. The team even chanced upon an actual visitation to PCI Mar Usa-ay at the Divisoria PNP Police Station, Alike its namesake in Manila, Cagayan De Oro’s Divisoria  is vagrant filled and has been checkered with occasional crimes. PCI Usa-ay is thankful that they have pastors who does not only pray and teach values formation seminars but pastors who regularly visits them for a chat of encouragement.

The pastor volunteers are also regularly tapped by the Regional Training School of the Public Safety College under the leadership of PSUPT Benito Ramos who calls them not only when they needed values enrichment speakers but also about topics on management, social graces and community relations.

They also have a ministry extension to the Philippine Army’s 4th Infantry Battallion based in Camp Evangelista. They have a partnership with Lt Col Rolly Dumawa of PMA Class 1992 Tanglaw Diwa class which has given them an opportunity to share the gospel to the infantry men of CDO.

If those ministries are not big enough, they still have some time to help the Sendong victims of their city. They regularly tend to the community that Gawad Kalinga and the local government of CDO built for the victims of the flood at outskirts of the city.

All of this marvelous works, could surely put a smile on anyone’s face.

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