Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Blessed by Cops: How the Philippine PNP UN Contingent Is Being A Blessing in Liberia

In a country troubled by constant threats of rebellion and civil war- where corruption and mistreatment has hardened the public’s heart-, an ounce of Christian grace and faith could surely inspire a whole nation.

Such was the experience of the UN Philippine Contingent in Liberia when they launched the Adopt A Station program in the Liberian Capital of Monrovia to help their local counterparts.
The city police, which is still enduring lack of funding from the government due to the ill effects of years of civil war, is having a hard time to renovate their stations. They also experienced lack of support from the public particularly in terms of both morale support and equipment.

This is where the PNP Contingent stepped in.

Heeding the wisdom of being “a light towards others so that they could glory to God” (Matthew 5:16), Philippine Contingent Commander PSUPT Roman Dela Cruz and UNMIL Deputy Commissioner PSSUPT Cesar Hawthorne Binag organized the Philippine troops to pool their resources and even some of their rest days to help build a local police station in Monrovia. They also furnished it with the latest equipments and furnishings.

The local response was magnanimous and heartfelt...

 “I thank you very much most specially from our brother from Philippines police officers are here on the peacekeeping mission in Liberia, thank you very for the fine beautiful renovation for the care of the people, and thank you for that indeed the equipment that you give us that will be use for the internal purpose and building for which you people renovated there that will be use for the internal purpose, and hope that God continue that you are here and for other country as you always say as a recipe for the tomorrow and set the same example of  the Philippines, thank you very much,” pahayag ni Samuel  Johnson, Zone 2 Base Commander.

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